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Chapter 1 - Was that a dream?
You awake in the early hours of the night. Not a sound can be heard, not even your own breathing after all... you are dead. Wait just a minute, didn't you already awaken like this earlier? Allow the player to investigate their house and do whatever they feel ...
Neutral - Malkav
Tortured by millenia sustaining the madness network, malkav is as much a force of nature as he was when he lived. His current state is ambiguous, he has no real allies or enemies but can pull on the threads of the madness network to influence a malkavian here ...
Bad - Credence Callahan
Main Enemy Destruction of the Camarilla and its denunciation as a government that goes against the very nature of kindred A kindred is a pinacle in the development of life and death, a superior being. We must still live in the shadows but we are built for ...
Elias The Hunter
Human Destruction of the Camarilla Being used by the cult to capture subjects They have his daughter
Description: Hecata sires favor mortals either from their own mortal families, or who provide links to outside families from whom the Hecata would benefit. They prefer kin of a morbid, black-humored, or pragmatic bent, due to the clan’s death-dealing nature...
Oblivion: Hecata
Description: Oblivion is a mysterious, unpalatable power that most vampires rightly fear to use, witness, or fall victim to. Only vampires of Clans Lasombra and Hecata wield it with any frequency, and even they do so tentatively. Oblivion requires cautious ma...
Description: Much prized by immortals, Fortitude grants the ability to resist physical and mental assault. Few vampires survive longer than a century without at least a mote of Fortitude, especially in a world where violence is common and not even Kindred are...
Description: For any hunter, the ability to hide, move without being seen, and employ camouflage proves vital. For the Kindred practitioners of Obfuscate, the Discipline provides the perfect cover to get close to a victim, disguise themselves as harmless, and...
Description: There is a popular saying among the members of Clan Brujah: “You only underestimate our strength once.” Potence is vitaefueled strength above and beyond other vampires’ capabilities. More powerful than any performance- enhancing drug, more unnatu...
Thin-Blood Alchemy
Description: The Thin Blood of the latest generations holds barely any power of its own. But certain thinbloods have learned to use it as a catalyst, awakening the latent power in everything from human trauma to gasoline. Born of the street drug scene and coc...
Spending xp
Trait Trait Notes Increase an trait (stat) The new level x 5 Increase Skill The new level x 3 Clan Discipline The new level x 5 Other Discipline The new level x 7 You must first gain the dicipline Caitiff Discipline ...