7.0 - Merits & Flaws
Trade two dots of flaw into 1 merit
Merit | Requirements | Effect | Cost | Notes |
Beautiful | +1 die for social rolls |
2 |
Upgrades into stunning |
Stunning | +2 die for social rolls |
4 |
Upgraded from beautiful |
Haven | A secure location to live and sleep in |
1-3 |
1 is low security 2 is medium security 3 is high security |
Hidden Armory | Haven |
Extra guns |
1 |
Watchmen | Haven |
Mortal security workers for your haven |
1 |
Upgrades the security of your haven |
Luxury | Haven |
+2 die for social rolls when inside your haven |
1 |
Eat Food | The ability to eat mortal food |
2 |
You can stomach mortal food but must throw it up eventually. It does not decrease hunger. |
Resources | Cash Flow |
1-5 |
1 - You have some spare cash 2 - You have minimum wage 3 - You have a few hundred thousand 4 - You are a millionaire 5 - You are a billionaire |
Mask | You have a fake identity |
1-2 |
1 - A competent detective could uncover you're not who you say you are. 2 - It would be difficult for anyone to prove you aren't who you say you are. |
Bloodhound | You can detect blood resonances in mortal blood by smelling it |
1 |
Iron Gullet | You are able to consume expired or defractioned blood |
3 |
Linguistics | Each level represents knowing an additional language fluently other than native and domain languages. |
1+ |
This can be taken multiple times |
Retainer | A loyal mortal servant |
1-3 |
Allies | A group of mortal allies |
1-6 |
Each level represents the effeciveness of your allies. |
Contacts | Mortals that can provide information, items and other things of value |
1-3 |
Each level determines the quality and selection of available goods / information. |
Herd | A group of mortals that you can feed on free of consequences |
1-5 |
Each level represents the quality / quantity of the herd. |
Mawla | An undead mentor |
1-5 |
Each level represents the quality or amount of assistance you will receive. |
Status | Reputation with a faction | 1-5 | Each level makes a faction more favourable to you. |
Flaw | Requirements | Effect | Cost | Notes |
Ugly | -1 die for social rolls | 1 | Upgrades into repulsive | |
Repulsive | -2 die for social rolls | 2 | Upgraded from ugly | |
Living in the Past | Outdated views | 1 | ||
Archaic | Technology skill 0 | 2 | ||
Folkloric Bane | Take damage when touching a particular item of your choice that is known to harm vampires | 1 | ||
Folkloric Block | You must spend willpower to move past a specific thing of your choice that is known to impede vampires (running water, threshold of a home) | 1 | ||
Stigmata | When at hunger 4 or higher you bleed from your hands, feet and forehead | 1 | This causes disadantage on social rolls | |
Stake Bait | When staked you die instantly instead of entering torpor | 2 | ||
No Haven | No safe place to sleep | 1 | ||
Haunted | Haven | You're haven is haunted by a ghostly presence | 1+ | |
Compromised | Haven | This haven is on a watchlist and may have been raided at some point. | 2 | |
Destitute | No money, no home, and no monetary value beyond themselves. | 1 | ||
Known Corpse | People know the vampire died recently and react in turn if they see them. | 1 | ||
Known Blankbody | The character's name, history, associates, and more are all in several agency databases. Inquisition can recognize them as a vampire. | 2 | ||
Prey Exclusion | Unable to feed from a certain group and take Stains as if breaking a Chronicle Tenet when they do. | 1+ | ||
Methuselah's Thirst | Hunger can only be slaked to 0 by Supernatural blood | 1 | ||
Farmer | Must spend 2 Willpower Points to feed on human blood | 2 | Ventrue may not take this. | |
Organovore |
Slake only by consuming human flesh and organs | 2 | ||
Illiterate |
The Character cannot read nor write and their Science and Academics Skills may not go beyond 1 dot | 2 | ||
Stalkers |
Something about the character tends to attract others who get a little bit too attached and just won't let go. Be it a former retainer or a past lover, should they get rid of them, another soon appears. | 1 | ||
Enemy |
The opposite to Allies, and are rated two levels less effective. | 1+ | ||
Obvious Predator |
A predatory vibe removes two dice from any hunting pool except Physical stalking, chasing, and killing. Lose on die from any Social test intended to calm humans. Cannot maintain a Herd. | 2 | ||
Suspect |
Breaking the rules or weaseling out of something owed has netted this character the ire of this Sect. Stay out of sight and mind and nothing will happen until they prove their worth again but until then take a 2 dice penalty to Social tests with the offended Factions. | 1 | Upgrades into shunned | |
Shunned |
Despised by a Sect, a line was crossed that never should have been, and now members of this group actively work against them at any opportunity.| | 2 | Upgraded from suspect |