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Gangrel, like the Brujah, are among the best vampire fighters. Unlike the Brujah, their ferocity stems from their animalistic instinct and rage, rather than anarchic anger. Gangrel are loners and prefer solitude; they're also the closest to nature and the beast than all the other vampire clans.

Nicknames Disciplines Clan Bane
  • Animals
  • Bêtes
  • Outlanders
  • Animalism
  • Fortitude
  • Protean
In frenzy, Gangrel gain one or more animal features: a physical trait, a smell, or a behavioural tic. These features last for one more night afterward, lingering like a hangover following debauchery. Each feature reduces one Attribute by 1 point – the Storyteller may decide that a forked tongue or bearlike musk reduces Charisma, while batlike ears reduce Resolve (“all those distracting sounds”). If nothing immediately occurs to you, the feature reduces Intelligence or Manipulation. The number of features a Gangrel manifests equals their Bane Severity. If your character Rides the Wave of their frenzy (see p. 219) you can choose only one feature to manifest, thus taking only one penalty to their Attributes.



Archetype Name:
Lorem Ipsum