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Clan Ventrue has long been the leaders of the Camarilla, holding more positions of power than any other clan, and they are loath to give that up. The Ventrue believe in the strength of tradition and lineage. The Embrace is one of the their most important rituals, and the choice of childe affects the way other members of the clan treat the sire. Ventrue therefore aim to Embrace overachievers, politically or financially powerful kin, or those with a talent that sets them apart from the masses. They tend to blend in with humanity as bankers, shadow directors, reclusive moguls, and chiefs of staff. No longer can a Ventrue openly lead a board or take a prominent position in a mortal community. Their critics consider them tyrants or the jailers of other Kindred. The uncomfortable truth is that without them, the Masquerade, and the Camarilla with it, would have fallen long ago.

NicknamesDisciplinesClan Bane
  • Patricians
  • Tyrants
  • Blue Bloods
  • Borgias
  • Dominate
  • Fortitude
  • Presence
The Ventrue are in possession of rarefied palates. When a Ventrue drinks blood from any mortal outside their preference, a profound exertion of will is required or the blood taken surges back up as scarlet vomit. Preferences range greatly, from Ventrue who can only feed from genuine brunettes, individuals of Swiss descent, or homosexuals, to others who can only feed from soldiers, mortals who suffer from PTSD, or methamphetamine users. With a Resolve + Awareness test (Difficulty 4 or more) your character can sense if a mortal possesses the blood they require. If you want your character to feed from anything but their preferred victim, you must spend Willpower points equal to the character’s Bane Severity.

Clan Affiliation: Camarilla


Cold blooded corporate director
This Ventrue controls a successful corporation, perhaps as the eccentric and reclusive CEO or maybe as an influential silent partner involved in guiding the firm. This Ventrue is always several steps removed from dirtying their hands but will rarely hesitate over ethics if it means getting ahead of the competition.

Member of the order
The Clan of Kings are well suited visitors in secret societies such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucian's. This Ventrue knows how to spin their words. They act as the reclusive leader or an important member of their society, whether it be an informal gentlemen’s club, a ladies’ guild, an alumni society for magnates and millionaires, or a gathering of concerned citizens clandestinely seeking to control their neighbourhood.

Conservative politician
The kings have always favoured conservatism and maintenance of the status quo. The politically inclined blue blood acts as the untouchable spin doctor, lurks in the wings of the party, or advises pundits and newsmen on how to dictate the story. Manipulating the media, they suppress Masquerade breaches with ease.

The so-called godfather wields their power through organized crime, manipulating gangs and the path of cash that runs from the streets to the bankers and politicians. Other Ventrue may turn their noses up at such a shady character, but the godfather knows that to get things done, blood sometimes needs to be spilled.

High priest
The Ventrue have ever venerated their ancestors, both mythical Kindred such as Mithras, Tinia, and Tiamat  and historical personages nearly as eminent. This ancestor worship ranges from a historian’s thorough study to leading a cult in the ancestor’s name. Seeing the touch of their forebears in all that they do, the high priest seeks to repeat history, fulfil the goals of their ancestors, and spread the knowledge of their glory.