ClanHecata Ventruesires hasfavor longmortals beeneither from their own mortal families, or who provide links to outside families from whom the leadersHecata would benefit. They prefer kin of a morbid, black-humored, or pragmatic bent, due to the clan’s death-dealing nature. They have little need for the compassionate or empathetic, unless it serves to satisfy a gap within the clan. The family must always come first, so it’s the Hecata versus everybody else. The Necromancers describe their Embrace tradition as “gifting the truly exceptional with membership in the most exclusive of households.” Spontaneous Embraces are very much frowned upon by the wider clan, the members of which favor the ritualistic approach of observing, grooming, and voting on which mortals deserve immortality. Kingpins, self-starters, individuals who have faced or dealt death, and those with medical or occult knowledge all appeal to the Hecata. Anyone with a true, scientific interest in death, the afterlife, and religion stands a chance of being approached for the Embrace, though academic theologians are more likely recipients of the Camarilla, holding more positions of powerbite than anythe otherblindly clan,faithful. Different fledglings set to work handling the living, the dying, the dead, and theythe are loath to give that up. The Ventrue believerotting, in the strengthform of traditionnurses and lineage.carers, Themorticians, Embrace is oneand of course necromancers. Though they do not control any widespread mortal crime empires, the theirclan mostappreciates importantthe rituals,practiced killer, the cold-blooded money launderer, and the choicecharming ofcon childeartist. affectsTheir roles continue on once they receive the wayEmbrace, other members ofcomplementing the clanclan’s treatlegitimate thebusinesses sire.investment Ventruebanks, thereforetrading aimconglomerates, toand Embraceprivate overachievers,hospitals politicallyand orcare financially powerful kin, or thosefacilities with a talentsteady thatflow setsof themillicit apart from the masses. They tend to blend in with humanity as bankers, shadow directors, reclusive moguls,cash and chiefs of staff. No longer can a Ventrue openly lead a board or take a prominent position in a mortal community. Their critics consider them tyrants or the jailers of other Kindred. The uncomfortable truth is that without them, the Masquerade, and the Camarilla with it, would have fallen long ago.bodies.
Nicknames | Disciplines | Clan Bane |
Clan Affiliation: CamarillaIndependent
ColdChampion blooded corporate directorBullshitter
The Hecata may wave the banner of independence, but they still require vampires who can break bread with Camarilla courts and Anarch packs. This Ventruecharacter controlscould have been anything from a successfulcon corporation,artist perhapsto asa diplomat in life, but the eccentriccrucial thing is they know how to sell a deal without showing their entire hand to the outsiders. The champion bullshitter was Embraced for their ability to charm the doubters and reclusivepresent CEOa orbelievable maybefaçade as an influential silent partner involved in guidingfor the firm.clan’s This Ventrue is always several steps removed from dirtying their hands but will rarely hesitate over ethics if it means getting ahead of the competition.activities.
MemberForensic of the orderSpecialist
The Clan of KingsDeath lives up to its title, with a great many of its members schooled in the passage of life to death. In the last century there’s been an upsurge in nurses, surgeons, and laboratory staff being Embraced, with a special place set for medically trained individuals in law enforcement. This character was always one of the first to crime scenes, and was able to alter evidence, misfile reports, or spin a narrative of death that protects the family, all while coming face-to-face with death on a regular basis
Natural Necromancer
Necromancers are wellpretty suiteduncommon visitorsamong inthe secretranks societiesof mortals, even those with blood connections to Clan Hecata. When a vampire from the Clan of Death finds a mortal with a genuine interest in, and aptitude for, death magic whether through practice of seances, ghost hunting on vlogs, exorcisms, or study of occult rituals they rarely go without long-term observation and the potential for an Embrace. These individuals sometimes harbor deviant practices, or an ethical remove when it comes to handling corpses and treating with the dead. The Hecata see this kind of behavior as ripe blackmail material, so if the necromancer is unfit for the Embrace, they’ll serve as a mortal retainer.
Prodigal Child
The Hecata have a blind spot when it comes to their mortal descendants, sometimes Embracing inept family members simply because they share the same name. However, characters such as this one stand out, prove themselves to the Freemasonsclan, and Rosicrucian's.end Thisup Ventruewith knowsmultiple howprospective sires fighting for the right to spinEmbrace. theirThe words.prodigal child is often seen as a rising star, fit for important responsibilities within the family and clan. Growing up in such a twisted family has a way of fucking up such a mortal’s sensibilities and boundaries, however.
Unscrupulous Banker
As far as the rest of Kindred society is concerned, the Giovanni and more broadly, the Hecata are the bank. They’re Switzerland. They act as the reclusiveneutral leaderparty, orperfect anfor importantmediation memberand ofguaranteed to protect assets due to their society,unswerving whether it be an informal gentlemen’s club, a ladies’ guild, an alumni society for magnates and millionaires, or a gathering of concerned citizens clandestinely seekingdedication to control their neighbourhood.
Conservative politicianThe kings have always favoured conservatism and maintenance of the status quo. The politically inclined blue blood acts as the untouchable spin doctor, lurksnon-involvement in the wingsJyhad. ofThis thecharacter party,would be targeted for their willingness to do anything to cut a profit, whether that means investing in unethical concerns, accepting laundered funds, or advisesplaying pundits and newsmen on howguard to dictateinvestments themost story.banks Manipulating the media, they suppress Masquerade breaches with ease.
GodfatherThe so-called godfather wields their power through organized crime, manipulating gangs and the path of cash that runs from the streets to the bankers and politicians. Other Ventrue may turn their noses up at such a shady character, but the godfather knows that to get things done, blood sometimes needs to be spilled.
High priestThe Ventrue have ever venerated their ancestors, both mythical Kindred such as Mithras, Tinia, and Tiamat and historical personages nearly as eminent. This ancestor worship ranges from a historian’s thorough study to leading a cult in the ancestor’s name. Seeing thewouldn’t touch ofincluding theirblood, forebearsspecial inkine, allor thattorpid they do, the high priest seeks to repeat history, fulfil the goals of their ancestors, and spread the knowledge of their glory.Kindred.