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Simple Tests

What are simple tests?

Usually day to day actions are free for player for example opening a door doesn't require any special checks as long as its unlocked. However for tasks or actions that are not part of regular life; if you want to do something harder than usual, like scaling a sheer cliff, reading Sumerian, or picking the lock on a door. You can make a simple test. Simple tests go like this:

  • Describe what your character is trying to achieve and how.
  • The Storyteller tells you which of your character’s Traits to use to assemble a dice pool.
  • The Storyteller sets a Difficulty. This number may be kept secret, depending on circumstances and playstyle.
  • Unless the test is an automatic win (see p. 120), you roll the dice pool and count your successes. Every die that shows 6 or higher is a success. A 0 on the die means a result of 10: a success.
  • If the number of successes you get equals or exceeds the Difficulty, you win the test and accomplish that action.



Juan's character is canvassing the neighbourhood for information on movement in the area. The Storyteller decides this is a simple Resolve + Investigation test with a Difficulty of 2: straightforward. Juan's character has 3 dots in Resolve and 3 dots in Investigation and so he rolls 6 dice, getting three successes – more than enough for a win. The Storyteller gives Juan the info he sought: a clue he might be able to use.