Rouse Check
To make a Rouse Check, the player rolls a single die. As always, a result of 6 or higher succeeds. On a success, the vampire’s Hunger remains unchanged. On a failure, the vampire gains 1 more point of Hunger, and thus gains one more Hunger die. Any Hunger gained is added after the desired effect resolves, so it is perfectly fine to make the Rouse Check at the same time or even after any other dice test involved, as long as the Rouse die is clearly distinguishable and won’t be mistaken for part of the pool
Some conditions, such as increased Blood Potency, allow the player to roll two dice on some Rouse Checks and pick the highest. One success (6+) on either die prevents Hunger from increasing. (This is equivalent to re-rolling the Check.) At Hunger 5, the vampire’s body is too starved of blood to provide increased supernatural power. A vampire can never intentionally Rouse the Blood while at Hunger 5. If some outside factor forces a Rouse Check on the vampire, the player must make an immediate hunger frenzy test at Difficulty 4 (see p. 220). As always, failing a Rouse Check at Hunger 5 still activates the effect that caused the check, if any.
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