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Contested Roll's

Storytellers use contests to model direct opposition: e.g., hacking a monitored system, sneaking past a guard searching for you, or seducing an undercover vice cop.

In a contest, the acting character and their opponent each build a dice pool. This process does not have to use the same pool; the Storyteller might tell the sneaking character to use Dexterity + Stealth, but roll Wits + Awareness for the searching guard.

Basic contests go like this:
  • Describe what you want your character to do and how.
  • The Storyteller decides someone opposes your effort and tells you which of your character’s Traits to use to assemble a dice pool.
  • The Storyteller chooses which of the opponent’s Traits to use to assemble a dice pool.
  • Each contestant rolls their dice pool and counts their successes.
  • If the acting character rolled equal to or more than the number of successes rolled by the opposing character, the test is a win.
  • Player characters can definitely engage in contests against each other! The Storyteller still determines which character assembles which dice pool.
Scenario Aggressor Defender
The aggressor would like to sneak up on the defender Dexterity + Stealth Wits + Awareness