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Description: For the Nosferatu the Embrace is a journey through abjection, as the Blood of the...
1.0 - Pick your Clan WIP
Description: Clan Ventrue has long been the leaders of the Camarilla, holding more positions o...
Description: A Hermetic mage in eighth century Romania, Tremere was the leader of cabal of mag...
Description: Cursed by their unbridled sensuality, the divas are obsessed by aesthetic perfect...
Description: Psychologists would diagnose the children of Malkav with schizophrenia, depressio...
Description: Gangrel, like the Brujah, are among the best vampire fighters. Unlike the Brujah,...
Description: While Caitiff are Embraced normally by existing clans and bloodlines across the g...
Description: The Brujah have a reputation as fierce warriors; their affinity for war is carrie...
This is a guide
While trying to put together a Vampire the Masqeurade chronicle I found that the currect core rul...
4.0 - Predator Type
Style Specialty Discipline Merits Flaws Ruthless&Brutal AlleycatAmbush in the dar...
6.0 - Touchstones & Convictions
5.0 - Disciplines
3.0 - How long ago were you embraced
When were you embraced? You are a... Generation Blood Potency Other Recently Chil...
2.0 - Attributes, Trackers and Skills
Attribute Selection: Pick your strongest attribute (••••) Pick your weakest attribute (•) Pi...
The Conflict Turn
What is a turn? Conflict happens in a flurry of blows, metaphorical or physical. One turn is ...
Contested Roll's
Storytellers use contests to model direct opposition: e.g., hacking a monitored system, sneaking ...
Rouse Check
To make a Rouse Check, the player rolls a single die. As always, a result of 6 or higher succeeds...
Re-Rolling with willpower
Characters may spend 1 point of Willpower to re-roll up to three regular dice on any one Skill or...
Difficulty of the Action Required Success Routine (striking a stationary target, conv...